Dover Human Relations Commission (DHRC)


The Commission is committed to a philosophy of inclusion, intergroup cooperation and fair treatment. It works to ensure that the City of Dover has and utilizes policies, programs, ordinances, organizational practices, specialized resources and appropriately trained employees to support diversity, inclusion and cultural competency.

By involving all segments of the community, the Commission promotes an understanding of and an appreciation of the benefits of diversity, inclusion, cultural competency and positive intergroup relations among the City's diverse residents. It also advocates for an environment of fairness and respect.

The Commission works with the City Council and the City Administration and community organizations to enhance intergroup relationships, to eliminate discrimination, and, to anticipate, prepare for and resolve incidents of intergroup conflicts and disputes within the city.


The Commission’s vision is a city whose government, organizations, groups and individual citizens value diversity, inclusion, respect and trust.

Intake Form_Discrimination Complaint Form

Discrimination Complaint and Compliance Review/Grievance Procedure

Nondiscrimination Statement

Profiles for Dover Human Relations Commission Members

DHRC 2020-2023 Strategic Plan

Dover Human Relations Commission Diversity Research Project